Henry Cavill celebra los 79 años de Superman

Henry Cavill celebra los 79 años de Superman

person access_timeJun 8, 2017 show_chart1481 Vistas chatComentarios

El superhéroe más importante de todos los tiempos llega a su aniversario número 79, a pesar del poco satisfactorio desempeño de las últimas películas del personaje en la gran pantalla. Por su parte, Henry Cavill no dejó pasar la ocasión para conmemorar el debut de Superman en ‘Action Comics #1’ publicando una fotografía enfundado en el traje azul y rojo característico.

Hi Everyone! I've been doing some Super Ruminations because this month is the 79th anniversary of Superman in Action Comics and thought it fitting to pass on this little fact. Who knew eh?? In January 1933, Jerry Siegel wrote a short story titled "The Reign of the Superman", which was illustrated by his friend Joe Shuster and self-published in a science fiction magazine. It told the story of a bald villain with telepathic powers. Trying to create a character they could sell to newspaper syndicates,Siegel re-conceived the "superman" character as a powerful hero, sent to our world from a more advanced society. He and Shuster developed the idea into a comic strip, which they pitched unsuccessfully. National Publications was looking for a hit to accompany their success with Detective Comics, and did not have time to solicit new material. Because of the tight deadline, editor Vin Sullivan was forced to make it out of inventory and stockpile pages. Sullivan asked former coworker Sheldon Mayer if he could help. Mayer found the rejected Superman comic strips, and Sullivan told Siegel and Shuster that if they could paste them into 13 comic book pages, he would buy them. #SuperRuminations #Superman #ActionComics

Una publicación compartida de Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) el

Es indiscutible que Henry Cavill ha hecho un gran trabajo dando vida al héroe, aún cuando el guión de las películas en las que ha participado para DC Entertainment y Warner Bros no le ha dado mucho espacio para ofrecer una interpretación brillante. Aunque el futuro de Superman en el cine parece incierto, lo cierto es que el actor seguirá aportando más al Universo Extendido de DC Comics (DCEU), tal como lo confirmó su representante Dany Garcia.
