Dwayne Johnson estrena un ‘teaser’ del spin off de ‘Fast & Furious’

Dwayne Johnson estrena un ‘teaser’ del spin off de ‘Fast & Furious’

person access_timeOct 11, 2017 show_chart1190 Vistas chatComentarios

A través de su cuenta en Instagram, Dwayne Johnson publicó un comunicado junto a un ‘teaser’ del spin off de ‘Fast & Furious’ donde agradece al equipo de Universal Studios por la oportunidad de protagonizar el proyecto junto a Jason Statham.

“Mi visión es la de crear grandes oportunidades no solo para los miembros del equipo sino para otros actores fantásticos que quieran formar parte de algo nuevo y sensacional”, escribió La Roca, destacando que lo más importante es “crear y dar alguno fresco y sensacional a los fans”.

Daddy’s gotta go back to work ~ Hobbs. Pumped to expand and build out the FAST & FURIOUS universe in a cool, exciting way with our @sevenbucksprod, writer/producer Chris Morgan, producer Hiram Garcia and lead producer and my bigger twin, Neil Moritz. Thank you UNIVERSAL STUDIOS for being tremendous partners who see the big picture and for coming to us years ago with this spinoff idea. Huge shout to my brother, Jason Statham for the trust and wanting to create and deliver something fresh and bad ass for the fans. I have a tremendous amount of respect for this franchise that I’ve enjoyed droppin’ blood and sweat in over the years and my vision is to create greater opportunities for not only my fellow FF cast mates, but for other amazing actors as well who want to be a part of something new and cool. I want to use my spinoff platform to create new characters that fans will ultimately love to have fun with in multiple chapters and platforms. Film, TV, Digital, Virtual Reality etc.. the more opportunities we can create the better for the fans. Smart business. Let’s have some FUN and to quote, Hobbs the boss, if you don’t like it, we’re happy to beat that ass like a Cherokee drum. #HOBBS #SevenBucksProds #NewOpportunities #CandyAssesNeedNotApply JULY 2019

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el
